
The South East London Humanist Group (SELHuG) formally closed at the 2024 AGM in July after more than 60 years of service to the community. Former members continue to be active as Humanist celebrants, local authority SACRE members and in other community roles.

The current website will remain online and there are over 12 years of archives to search – we have reviewed and documented every meeting, event and gathering in that time.

If you go to ‘news and events’ on the top menu bar and click on ‘news’ you will get through to the archive of material which you can slowly click through (backwards in time!) page by page. If you are interested in something specific, you can use the search function on the right-hand side.

Our campaign to include Humanists on ‘Thought for the Day’ has its own dedicated area on the top menu (BBC campaign) and any specific monthly demonstrations can be searched for in the side bar on the right.

Some information on our history and minutes of recent AGMs etc, plus some general information about Humanism, can all be accessed via the top menu bar.

Please note that the email on our contact page is now dormant.

We encourage anyone interested in joining an active humanist group to explore the busy programmes of:
Central London Humanists (which already includes quite a few southeast Londoners) – at their website or via meetup and facebook
SouthWest London Humanists – you can sign up for their mailing list or follow them via meetup
East London Humanists –  at their website or via meetup and facebook

You can also see details of all your nearby Humanist groups at https://humanists.uk/community/local-humanism/ or you can email: info@humanists.uk for more information.


  •  National Secular Society