Catford March Meeting: Humanist Schools in Uganda

When: Thursday 19th March 2015, 7.30pm
Where: Catford (map)

Positive humanism and the humanist schools in Uganda

Speaker: Steve Hurd from the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust

 Steve Hurd picSteve Hurd has been a humanist since his student days. He taught economics and geography in a secondary school in Uganda from 1970 to 1972. This started a lifelong interest in development issues. After some years teaching in schools in the UK, he taught economics, including development economics, at Staffordshire University and set up an economics teacher training programme. After joining the Centre for Research in International Teacher Education at the Open University he became co-director of a British Council-funded project in Uganda that created materials to support secondary school teachers in Uganda. (Link here.) This provided the opportunity to get to know the humanist schools set up in Uganda after 2005. In 2008 he set up the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust to raise funds to support them.

Steve will talk about the educational context in Uganda and the progress and challenges facing the schools in their early years. He will also discuss a new project to develop an ethos for the schools based upon “Positive Humanism”.