South East London Humanist Group (SELHuG) is seeking a new Chair to start in the Autumn.
If you are a humanist with some experience of organising meetings and events, and can imagine having a creative role in leading and developing the group alongside a supportive committee, please get in touch to find out more. This post can be shared, i.e. by two co-chairs.
We are also looking for a new Treasurer. The Treasurer banks monthly subs, makes occasional payments, keeps a spreadsheet of all transactions, reconciles with bank statements and reports annually to the AGM on income and expenditure.
Individuals can hold the posts of Chair and Treasurer for up to three years. Candidates need to be or become members of SELHuG, and stand for election at the AGM.
SELHuG is a community group and all posts are voluntary. We typically have one meeting a month and regular social events, as well as some campaigning and community outreach. We are very much open to change if it means better pursuit of our goals, primarily to build a humanist community in the area and raise awareness of Humanism.
If you are interested, please contact the Secretary Tony Brewer at and request an Information pack, specifying which post. Thank you.