When: Thursday 3rd December 2020, 7.30pm
Where: Online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/96457358403

In November and December every year Amnesty International run a campaign called Write for Rights, encouraging people to write messages of support to people around the world who have suffered injustice and to write appeal letters to figures in authority.
Last December we took part in the campaign, the ‘world’s biggest human rights event’. We heard from a member of the local Amnesty group, looked at some cases in the campaign and wrote some cards and letters. Overall, the 2019 campaign sent more than 6.5 million messages of support to brave young people around the world. You can find out more information and how these messages changed peoples’ lives here.
Please join us online on 3rd December to find out about the campaign and how you can get involved. Even if you think you might not prefer to get involved in letter writing directly, this is certainly a way to find out more about various issues and conflicts around the world and the human rights activists who are fighting injustices.
Sam Becker (SELHuG committee) will be leading the meeting, introducing the various resources that are available and how to get more involved in this work if it is something that appeals to you.
If we are interested in doing so, we can do some actual letter writing there and then, so have a pen and paper handy….and perhaps a mug or glass of your favourite beverage to hand!