With the general election fast approaching on 12 December, Humanists UK are asking their members to take three quick actions to ensure that the call for a tolerant society where rational thinking and kindness prevail is heard in this election.
1. Ask your candidates where they stand on our top humanist priorities.
We’ve prepared a draft email you can send to your prospective parliamentary candidates about the key issues that are important to humanists. This action takes less than five minutes to complete.
2. Use our mini-manifesto to engage with candidates.
We have produced a short briefing on how you can engage with candidates during the election process, such as at hustings and on social media, as well as facts and figures on issues such as humanist marriage and assisted dying, that you can use keep humanism on the agenda.
3. Share our messages
Follow Humanists UK on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and help us get our messages out there. Encourage your friends, families, and colleagues to support us too.
If you get a response from your candidates, you can share this with Humanists UK at campaigns@humanism.org.uk