When: Monday 23rd February 2015, 7 – 9pm
Where: House of Commons, Committee Room 10, London, SW1A OAA
Please note that this is a free event but is ticketed.
For full information about the event and to book a ticket go here
Despite a sometimes fierce campaign, the grassroots involvement and vision for a more just society in the run up to the Scottish Referendum was inspiring. How can the rest of us in the UK get some of that, and what sort of devolution would actually re-connect us to politics?
Panel and audience discussion chaired by Guardian journalist Zoe Williams.
The panel members are
Katie Ghose, Chief Executive (CE) of Electoral Reform Society
Alex Runswick, CE of Unlock Democracy
Andrew Copson, CE of British Humanist Association
Ian Scott, Acting CE and Gary McLelland, Policy & Public Affairs Officer of Humanist Society Scotland. Outside their HSS roles, Ian was a Yes and Gary a No supporter.
This is a London Humanists event, administered by SELHuG.