The Annual General Meeting was held at our usual monthly venue on the 21st July.
The AGM started off with a Welcome and Review of the Year by the Chair, Sam Becker.
An over-arching theme that emerged from the monthly meetings this year was thinking about the experience of others and the world around us. Meetings reflecting this included meetings on the Refugee crisis; the experience of Black Atheists; Climate Justice; Ask for Evidence campaign; and Belief in Britain.
We also held our usual traditions (Mythmas and an ethical discussion meeting) and continued to reach out into our community – at Lewisham Faith Fair, Nunhead Cemetery Open Day and Lewisham Interfaith Walk – with increasing interest from the general public.
Social events continued with two pub socials, a wine tasting and two museum visits.
The Treasurer, Hester Brown, gave her report. If you are a paid-up member of the group and wish to see this, please email us on
An extra item on the agenda was a proposal to increase monthly contributions and add a contribution to events. These was the subject of much discussion, with very useful feedback from the members present, reviewing various options.
It was voted that the monthly contribution will be £2 and that this charge should also apply to extra events.
For the elections of officers and committee, there were no changes:
Chair: Sam Becker
Secretary: Libby Oakden
Treasurer: Hester Brown
Other committee members: Denis Cobell; Trevor Moore
For AOB, Asad Abbas feedback on a few matters regarding the Bromley Group. We are all pleased to be working together with our nearby friends and the annual lunch certainly celebrates that.
The AGM was followed by some time for socialising. Food and drink were bought along and members enjoyed mingling and chatting until it was time to say farewell to another year for SELHuG.