When: Thursday 1st October 2020, 7.30pm
Where: Online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98527097878
The speaker will be Richard Gallen, not Robin Launder as originally billed.
Richard joined XR in April 2019 and since then has taken part in several XR occupations in Central London and also organised local community outreach events. He works as a teacher and teacher trainer.
In this talk he will share the latest climate science, discuss some of the current psychology around climate change, and offer possible solutions through the study of social movements.
By now the causes of climate change and the problems arising from it are pretty well known. But why is so little being done to combat it? Extinction Rebellion (XR) has decided that the conventional means of protest are inadequate and more radical action is required. It seems to be working – awareness of the problems has greatly increased but so has frustration with XR’s disruptive methods.

The speaker this meeting will be Robin Launder. He is a schools speaker for Humanists UK and also a humanist ‘faith tutor’ at Eton College. In addition, he is an activist and speaker for Extinction Rebellion. He will give a picture of the ecological and climate emergency that we are facing and, more importantly, what we can do about it. There will be elements of the talk that are gloomy, but also a hopeful message…all is not lost if we act now and we act decisively. Robin believes that the messages contained within the XR talk are completely consistent with humanist thinking. To find out whether you agree, join us and have a listen.