Terry Liddle died on 16/17 November 2012 aged 64. He was a long time member, (he had just sent his membership cheque to our Treasurer, Sam Becker) and served as Chair a few years ago. Terry spoke to the Group on more than 20 occasions from 1977 – 2008. Subjects ranged from ‘Blues – the Devil’s Music’, ‘Da Vinci Code’, ‘Deptford Infidels’ & ‘Thomas Paine’. He had been unable to attend recently owing to health & disability; he could not climb the stairs. He attended our 50th Gala in 2010 with a stall for the Freethought History Research Group, which he founded a decade back. He was also active at Conway Hall and a member of the NSS. His quick wit and and enquiring intellect will be much missed.