To ease the burden on the committee and simplify finances, we are considering moving away from a model that includes membership fees, meeting fees and donations – towards just minimum donations.
At the 2023 AGM it was agreed
1. Membership fees are £0 (ie. nothing)
2. Suggested donations for meetings/events to rise [these will vary depending on the event]
3. To be considered a member of SELHuG if already a member of Humanists UK.
4. All of this to be considered, discussed and any formal (constitutional) changes to be proposed for the 2024 AGM.
Once any permanent changes are made, we will update the information below. Please note that the bank details below are still correct for any online donations! Thank you.
Please join us and become a SELHuG member!
If you become a member, your money will help the group to be active, to support other humanist and secular organisations, and to donate to good causes. You will be able to vote at the AGM and help shape the direction of the group.
Having a bit of money in the bank allows us to attend community open days and festivals and hold public meetings. It helps us to cover various ongoing costs such as our online presence. It allows us to be a partner group of Humanists UK and a member of the National Secular Society. At the end of the year we donate as much as we can to worthy causes: for the last few years we have given regularly to the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust and AFRIL (Action For Refugees In Lewisham).
Cost of Membership
The cost for a year’s membership, which runs from 1 July to 30 June each year:
– Single member £10 p.a.
– Family membership £15 per family p.a.
– Unwaged / Retired £6 p.a.
Some members kindly add donations to their membership fees.
Pay by bank transfer
You can pay your membership by bank transfer to SELHuG’s Co-op community group account. Please ensure your name is either in the reference field or given as your bank account name so we know who it is from! The account details are:
Bank: Coop
Account name: South East London Humanist Group
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account no: 65748721
Meeting Donations
We ask for a donation for attendance at our monthly talks. This helps to cover costs such as website, meetup, zoom, any equipment needed, room hire for any in person events, etc.
Can you please transfer money using the bank details above.
We are transparent about how we use our money. Members get to see the accounts at the AGM each July and we vote on any donations that we wish to make that year.
You can see the constitution and AGM minutes here: Constitution and AGMs