Successful day at Nunhead
The crowds were back at Nunhead Cemetery Open Day, restored to its regular early summer slot when everything is verdant and the stalls of allotment societies brim with produce. One celebrant who volunteered at our stall said it was like stepping into another world, running to a different time or clock. Within the walls of the cemetery, hundreds of people of all ages amble happily together as if they had no care in the world.
We had perfect weather for chatting to passers-by and selling books. David Lewis is the second-hand book maestro whose long-suffering family cope with their home being clogged with boxes for weeks and are then co-opted to set up and run the stall. (Thank you Ellie and William!) The money raised is the group’s main income and David did brilliantly well this year. He thinks we will have raised £285 when everything is counted.
We wanted to highlight Humanist Ceremonies on the stall this year and had lots of good conversations with people – mostly about funerals, but also about weddings, civil partnerships and namings. Several individuals said the funeral literature would help them have conversations with their loved ones, to explain what sort of funeral they wanted and just to talk about their death. Thank you to celebrants Reza, Trevor and Becky for volunteering, talking to the public and keeping the rest of us company!
Review by Hester Brown