This beautiful poem was read by Mark Gatiss at the recent online Humanist National Memorial Ceremony for the victims of the Coronavirus.
The ceremony was led by humanist celebrants and pastoral carers, hosted by well-known faces. It features music from the London Humanist Choir and readings on grief and resilience as well as tributes to NHS worker such as the one below.
You can still watch the ceremony on youtube or facebook.

These are the Hands, by Michael Rosen
for the 60th anniversary of the NHS
These are the hands
That touch us first
Feel your head
Find the pulse
And make your bed.
These are the hands
That tap your back
Test the skin
Hold your arm
Wheel the bin
Change the bulb
Fix the drip
Pour the jug
Replace your hip.
These are the hands
That fill the bath
Mop the floor
Flick the switch
Soothe the sore
Burn the swabs
Give us a jab
Throw out sharps
Design the lab.
And these are the hands
That stop the leaks
Empty the pan
Wipe the pipes
Carry the can
Clamp the veins
Make the cast
Log the dose
And touch us last.
© Michael Rosen