BBC campaign update and March demo

The demo continues…

Undeterred by the early 8am start and the bone-chilling weather, our hardy stalwarts gathered again – as they have monthly since June 2018 – to demonstrate for the humanist worldview to be represented on Thought for the Day.  

Encouragingly, as always, BBC personnel stopped to talk to us to understand our stance. That included Graham Ellis, who is Controller of Production for BBC Radio and Music, who we hope is a mover and shaker. Our letter this month was addressed to Mohit Bakaya, Controller of BBC Radio 4. You can read that here:

Furry, four-legged Jango proved a hit with passers-by as usual, while an emergency dispatch was made to find some new gloves for his owner, David, who had lost one of his own pair and stoically tried to pretend his fingers weren’t almost dropping off with exposure. Being humanist does not mean you have to be willing to suffer – there are other belief systems that go for that, if it’s your bag…

Our next demo is on Tuesday 10th March between 4 – 6pm. Please join us if you can.