On 9th April we held our eleventh demo from 8-10am outside the BBC, in support of our campaign to include the humanist world view on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. We tweeted in to the Today programme, hoping the journos might come and talk to us, as a welcome respite from the endless Brexit coverage. Alas, no.
By now, many local workers (especially those heading into the BBC) recognise our presence and repeat their support. BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones seems to synchronise his arrival with us, perhaps so that he can say hello to his one-time schoolmaster, our very own David Smart (who sparked the campaign in the first place).
As usual, we handed out dozens of flyers to willing recipients, who encouraged our commitment to the campaign. Humanists UK member and regular supporter Mike Shallcross handed his letter about the campaign for James Purnell to the security officer, who is always very welcoming.
The next demo is on 14th May from 4 – 6pm. Hope to see you there