Bromley August meeting: Compete or Cooperate

When: Wednesday 10th August 2:30 – 4:30 pm 
Where: United Reformed Church, Bromley (map)
Speaker: Roger Heppleston

Compete or Co-operate: the evolutionary choice that will determine our future

Roger Heppleston has had a successful international business career for 30 years in planning and distribution, working for scientific and pharmaceutical companies.  Now retired, he travels widely and enjoys writing and study. 

Inspired by Richard Dawkins’ description of memes as agents of evolutionary change, he has developed the concept to explain the evolutionary success of humans.  In 2015 he published his first book Memes, Societies and Human Evolution: How humans came to dominate the planet and then threaten its ecology, which provides an in-depth evolutionary history of mankind from our hunter-gatherer forbears up to the modern age.

In 2017 he published his second book Compete or Cooperate, the evolutionary choice that will determine our future in which he explains why understanding and shaping the forces of memetic evolution is so vital to all our futures.

Since then evolutionary forces have had a huge effect on  all our lives with fires, floods, pandemics and heat waves.  Evolution is accelerating and human society must adapt rapidly if we are to create a better world for our children.