When: Thursday 5th December 2019, 7.30pm
Where: New Cross (map)

Amnesty International has a campaign throughout November/December every year called Write for Rights, encouraging people to write messages of support to people around the world who have suffered injustice and to write appeal letters.
With Human Rights Day on 10th December, we thought it would be a great use of our December monthly meeting to find out more about the Write for Rights campaign and to get involved in some letter writing.
We will be joined by a member of the local Amnesty group, who will tell us about their work. Then we will use Amnesty resources to find out about some of the cases they are highlighting this year, followed by group letter-writing.
Please come along to find out about the work of Amnesty International and to find out about how you can get involved, showing solidarity with people around the world. Even if you think you might not prefer to get involved in letter writing directly, please come along to find out more and there will no doubt be plenty of interesting discussion throughout the evening.
You can find out more about the Write for Rights campaign here.
What to bring…?
1. We will be providing pens, paper and envelopes, along with Amnesty information resources, but please do bring your own pens/stationery if you prefer. We will be asking donations to cover the cost of stamps.
2. We will be enjoying festive refreshments during the evening – please bring along any drinks/snacks you like.
3. As usual at our December meeting, we will be collecting food donations for local refugee charity AFRIL If you wish to contribute, we collect basic foods – tins, oil, pasta and rice, coffee and tea etc, in small/medium packets for easier distribution.