New Cross January meeting: Ethical Dilemmas

When: 4th January 2018, 7.30pm
Where: The Rose Pub opposite New Cross Gate Station. Please note different venue!

Ever-popular Ethical Dilemmas Session

Bring your ethical dilemma to our January meeting and put it in the hat.

Returning to chair the mind-twisting session by popular demand, the inimitable Sam Becker will pull the dilemmas out of the hat and put them to us: which way would we act? Is one response more ethical than another?

This is always a lively meeting when everyone gets to speak, disagreements are common and we make our own entertainment.

PLEASE NOTE -THIS MEETING WILL BE AT THE ROSE PUB OPPOSITE NEW CROSS GATE STATION, AS NEW CROSS LEARNING IS CLOSED OVER THE HOLIDAY PERIOD. Make your way to the ground floor room at the back, with windows overlooking the garden.