Our December social was a showing of Inherit the Wind (1960), a powerful and classic film, which is a fictionalised account of the notorious ‘Scopes Monkey Trial’ of 1925, when Darwinian evolution went up against creationism in the dock. Written in the 1950s, it also served as a parable on the chilling effect of the McCarthy witch-hunt on free discussion. The story is as relevant now as it was then and was very much worth seeing.
This event was held in conjunction with the East London Humanists, at the delightfully quirky Sands Films, an independent studio housed in an 18th century building close to the Thames, opposite the historic Mayflower Pub. The Sands Cinema Club is itself well worth experiencing. The film night was a great success, and we hope to hold another social there at some point. For anyone who missed the event, you can actually see it and watch the film by visiting the Sands Cinema Club past streams page on their website.