Happy people filling out the ‘How Humanist are you?’ quiz…spot the one who was also interested in baby naming ceremonies!
Nunhead Cemetery Open Day is always a special day for us. We have the opportunity to be out in our community, talking to people about Humanism – what it is, what it means to us and what we get up to as a group.
This year rain was forecast for the afternoon but thankfully held off until the last hour, so we had good weather and lots of people attended the day. We had a new banner, in addition to our usual ones, asking the question “How Humanist are you?” and this, along with a well staffed stall and a selection of books to browse, seemed to draw people in. We found people curious, wanting to find out about Humanism and many interested to know more about ceremonies in particular. Interestingly, more people this year seemed to know what Humanism was or had encountered it at a recent wedding or funeral….maybe change really is in the air?? Some people were up for some fun and filled in the ‘How Humanist are you?’ quiz that we had printed off from the BHA site. This was a great way to engage people and led to lots of interesting discussions and thoughts.
This is an annual event so if you didn’t make it this year, keep an eye out for 2017. It is a great day out, with lots of stalls to browse, people to meet, activities for the whole family, music making and tours.