We did it! £300 raised for local refugees charity
SELHuG reached its target of £300 for Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL), our local grassroots charity which works with refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants from all over the world, most lately Ukraine.
Sophie Wickham, Director of AFRIL, has sent a personal “Big thank you for your donation to AFRIL as an outcome of your Celebrating Spring meeting.”
She says donations go a really long way because they are a small charity. In fact, £300 can buy:
- a whole term of supplementary school classes for 2 refugee children, or
- fresh fruit for 36 destitute families at our food bank for 6 weeks, or
- preparing and delivering 3 educational allotment sessions for families.
Sophie adds: “We would not be able to change the lives of some of the most vulnerable people without supporters like yourselves. Thank you very much for thinking of us and the families we support.”
The charity has just had some good news – they have been given a grant by the Henry Smith Charity to employ a 2 day-a-week volunteer coordinator for three years, to boost their advice service.
SELHuG raised the money (£250 via Facebook and a £50 late donation) by giving its April meeting over to ‘Celebrating Spring’, an evening of readings and music to fundraise for AFRIL.
And an invitation…
Sophie has been in touch to say that AFRIL are having a little celebration at their Allotment of Refuge, open to all their clients, volunteers, supporters and anyone else interested in their work! They’ll have some activities for children, workshops, short presentations about AFRIL’s projects, but it’s mostly just to get together, share a plate and celebrate Refugee Week.
See below for full information.
Link to register interest is here.