Friends of Nunhead Cemetery had their biggest event of this year – Nunhead Cemetery Open Day – on May 18th. Like over the past few years, we had a book stall and information desk there. As usual, David Lewis and his family set up the book stall and sold many books, jigsaws and even some mugs, throughout the day. Tony, Chris and Helen all did a couple of hours shift to assist and host the humanist information desk. Dennis Cobell turned up for a chat early afternoon too. Below is a picture of Dennis, David, Chris and Tony.
It was another successful day for us. David and his team did a great job selling books. Lots of folk who came to buy books then some stayed and chatted to those hosting the humanist information desk. We shared with them lots of information about humanism and local events – including the Star Trek talk we will be hosting in June. Many took printed copies of questions and answers for Humanist Quiz – “How Humanist Are You”.
We were very lucky with the weather as no rain. It was a joyful, fun and busy day with lots of visitors enjoying all the stalls, plants, music, dancing and lovely animals from Surrey Docks Farm too. Definitely a “Happy Humanist Day” for all of us!